Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy's First Graders in Mr. Cassidy's Class and Skype Interview with Ms. Cassidy

Ms. Cassidy has developed a way of teaching. It seems that her students in her first grade class are gaining a lot from her use of technology. From the interview it seems that she started out simple and was new at using technology in the classroom. This all began because she was given five computers for her classroom. She has done a lot of work and has come a long ways today. She had to get help and have support from others to be able to get to where she is today. Now every year the students are working with technology on a regular basis. Not only are the students gaining from the use of technology, but also parents are able to view the progress of their child. Cassidy has a strong opinion on technology. She believes that there are so many useful sites and tools on the internet. If you don’t take advantage of these tools then we are not only creating a disadvantage for our self but for every student. The world is changing around us, so we need to stay current as well. The internet is making it possible for students to communicate with people all over the world. Ms. Cassidy talks about how some teachers are also using technology but some are unwilling to change and are comfortable using there old ways. Future teachers need to be technologically literate because technology will always be here and will continue to grow. I would like to have my students using to technology to gain any additional information that they possibly can. Technology has many interactive tools that can be very beneficial to the student. I want to be technologically literate so that I am not creating a handicap for my students. It is very important for us to offer our students all that we can. If we don’t take the time to learn technology, we are doing a disservice to our students. This Skype interview was very neat and I really enjoyed hearing what Ms. Cassidy had to say and directly to Dr. Strange and edm310 students.


  1. You made a wonderful point, Whitney, that teachers do need be technologically literate because technology will always be here and will continue to grow. I also think that the use of Smart technology can most definitely aid students with attention deficit disorders. You also said that the internet is making it possible for students to communicate with people all over the world. The children love that they are hearing from us. I think that is a wonderful thing too. Keep up the good work. Wonderful post!

  2. Whitney,

    Glad to see that you are really embracing all that this class has to offer! Do you think that all communities would be as accepting of technology's presence in the classroom as they were with Mrs. Cassidy's class? What could you do to ease the parents' minds?

    Great Job!
