Randy Pausch’s introduction was very shocking but inspiring. He is being faced with something very tragic and yet he has such a positive outlook. I really liked his saying “We can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” He seems like a very outgoing and nice guy. I think he has a great sense of humor and does a great job of giving a presentation. He chose such a great topic to talk about. Some of these things we have heard before, but I think they sink in more when you hear them from someone in his condition.
It is so amazing that e was able to accomplish his first childhood dream by being in zero gravity. His idea of learning more from the dreams that he didn’t accomplish really caught my attention. He said that a football coach would always drill him really hard because he was messing up. An observer pointed out to him that this was a good thing. When someone is taking the time to correct you on your mistakes that mean they haven’t given up on you. This stood out to me and I think it is important for anyone who feels like they are constantly being corrected to keep this in mind. Another wonderful quote came from this section, “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.”
Pausch was a motivated person from a very young age. Not many kids go to Disney Land and think about creating the rides and other things rather than just enjoying it. Even though Disney denied him of a job at first he still continued to pursue Disney for a career. This paid off for him.
Not only has he accomplished his childhood dreams he has become a professor where he can help others to reach their dreams. The advice he was given by a friend was well given. If you don’t know where to set the bar for your class don’t do the students a disservice by putting it anywhere. You should continue to pus the students forward by asking for more.
Randy Pausch has accomplished a lot during his life. Unfortunately his life was cut short. I think he has so much to be proud of and people will still continue to learn from him. He was able to meet so many successful people and lead others to success. I am pleased that I was able to view this video and will spread the word to others. He has taught me so much as to what are the important duties of being a teacher.
A powerful lecture. I am moved every year when i watch it again. I'm glad you found it inspiring.